
有所作为. 创造真正的改变.

If you want to learn how to make a difference and create real change at work, 无论是在家里还是在正规买球平台有哪些, SAU为你准备了一个项目. 学会领导, inspire, and bring people together through our unique MOL program, 实现你所有的目标.


我们的毕业生工作 for the U.S. 武装部队,爱克森核能,HON,迪尔 & Company, KONE, K-12 school districts, city governments, and many others. 


  • 学会领导变革
  • 特殊的能力
  • Accredited by the 认证 Council for Business School Program


Dan Ebener和学生们


Our MOL students and professors are learning partners who, 通过热烈的课堂讨论, jointly explore the meaning and significance of leadership. In our MOL program, you gain the skills and abilities to be an effective leader.



Thandra Ritchie '21 MOL

50岁时失明并没有阻止她. She earned her MOL degree while also working full-time and teaching fitness classes.


More Information on the 组织领导硕士 Program


核心课程包括领导理论, 冲突管理, 战略规划, 组织中的沟通, 主要变化, and more.

You choose your electives from a long list that includes servant leadership, 企业的道德和社会责任, 组织中的人类行为, 非营利部门, 以及跨文化管理. That means you cater your degree to your personal and professional goals and interests.

Our 30-credit-hour program can be completed in a little over two years by taking one course per session for 12 sessions. 我们提供两个, eight-week sessions in the fall; two, eight-week sessions in the spring; and one summer session. Class meets once a week for four hours in the evening which allows students to continue working full-time.

我们还提供加速格式的课程. 你可以在短短12个月内获得MOL.


是什么造就了圣?. 可以买滚球的正规平台MOL程序独一无二?

The quality of an Ambrose education is not just an outcome, it's an experience crafted by knowledgeable professors in every class and fostered through dialogue, 没有课.

  • Our MOL classes average 14 students, so you get more individual attention from faculty.
  • Faculty members are equally committed to students and scholarship, with many engaged in research.
  • 你在课堂上学到的东西对现实世界很重要. In the 基于工作的行动计划, students apply what they've learned to meaningful projects at work or in the community.
  • 我们研究人类行为的整体方法, rooted both in the liberal arts and sciences and in business, 还考虑了领导的道德层面.
  • 我们的计划具有立竿见影的价值. 今天学习,明天应用. How? 观看我们MOL项目的视频.

Amber Brackey '17 MBA, '18 MOL, earned two graduate degrees from the St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 College of Business and gained a deeper level of professional knowledge that is recognized and appreciated. 阅读Amber的故事

Saye Beipa ‘13 MOL previously had studied leadership as an undergraduate at the University of Liberia in the capital city of Monrovia, 来到美国,渴望了解更多. After establishing roots in Muscatine, Iowa, he discovered St. 可以买滚球的正规平台有他想要的程序. "My vision is to take this program back to my country so that students in all African countries will hear about it and will come to enroll. 我想得很远大." 读Saye的故事.

  • Kelly Dalton '08 MOL is a Senior Engineering Manager at Rockwell Collins. He mentors employees, handles performance issues, and recruits new hires. Kelly says his position is a direct result of what he learned in the MOL program.
  • Katie Roemer '15 MOL is a Compliance Specialist for Genesis Health System. 她说这个项目深深地影响了她, 她是怎么工作的, and the support she provides to others in her role with Genesis.
  • Eric Page '13 MOL is the Regional Director for Carnegie Communications. Between the time he enrolled in the MOL program and the day he collected his degree, 埃里克在爱荷华大学找到了一份工作, where he earned three promotions in Strategic and Enrollment Communications Operations. 在加入卡内基通讯公司之前, Eric was Iowa's Director of Undergraduate Recruitment and Communications, 领导28名全职员工.
  • Carol Beach '15 MOL is a Team Lead in the Business Resource Center for Alliant Energy, 这是她进入MOL项目后的第二次升职.
  • Jake Montague '14 MOL, is a Container Specialist for John Deere Harvester Works. 在做MOL的时候, he accepted the position in which he supervises a team of 34 UAW employees on the factory floor. 杰克说自从拿到学位后, he is more willing to take on leadership roles at his church and in his community.     

The 组织领导硕士 program is nationally accredited by the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).

St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.


Financing a master's degree might seem daunting, but our students quickly learn that a St. Ambrose education is affordable and worth every penny.

2022 - 23学费

Tuition is $755/credit hour for seated and online classes; fees are listed below.


许多雇主提供学费补助. Check with your Human Resources office to determine if these benefits are available. If so, you can apply for deferred payment or contact our 财政援助办事处 了解更多信息.

The St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 College of Business offers a limited number of research assistantships. 给MOL项目协调员发邮件申请.

如果你是退伍军人, 招生专家娜塔莉·伍德赫斯特 can help you determine if you have benefits available and how to best invest those in an SAU education. Graduate students enrolled in at least 6 credit hours per semester (3 credit hours in the summer) are eligible for a low-interest federal loan of up to $20,本学年500英镑.

申请到 FAFSA网站 或者在网站上获取更多信息 研究生招生页面


2023 - 24的费用

Graduate level students taking 9 or more credit hours $280/yr. (140美元/学期)
Graduate level students taking 8 or less credit hours $140/yr. (70美元/学期)



MOL 501领导理论
MOL 529冲突管理
MOL 540领导力沟通
MOL 625领导组织变革
MOL 701战略领导力
MOL 715领导力工作行动项目
MOL 716领导力研究论文

选修课(6学分). Choose two.
MOL 515决策与领导
MOL 557建立有效的团队
MBA 621组织中的人类行为
MOL 635仆人式领导
MOL 645国际领导力问题
MOL 655政治和公民领导
MOL 710领导伦理
MOL 790领导力的独立调查
MOL 792专题 




Year 1
MOL 501领导力理论
坠落-1 MOL 540战略通信
下降-2 MOL 625领先变化
Fall-2 MOL 529冲突管理
春季1 MOL 691对话技巧
Spring 1 & 2 MOL 715领导力工作行动项目(16周)
春季2 MOL TBD选修
夏季1 MOL TBD选修课

Year 2
MOL 701战略领导力
Fall-1 and 2 MOL 716领导力研究论文(16周)



Year 1
MOL 501领导力理论
下降-2 MOL 625领先变化
春季-1 MOL 540领导沟通
Spring-2 MOL 529冲突管理

Year 2
MOL 701战略领导力
Spring 1 & 2 MOL 715领导力工作行动项目(16周)
春季-2 MOL选修
夏季1 MOL选修

Year 3
Fall 1 & 2 MOL 716领导力研究论文(16周)



Take the next step to earning your master's degree and apply to the 组织领导硕士 program or read the admission requirements.

Apply Visit Info


Tony Ketelaar,研究生招生办主任

518 W. Locust St.
达文波特,IA 52803


你准备好下一步了吗? Click on the visit button below to learn more about our virtual and in-person visit options.