Master of Speech-Language Pathology

Looking for an Open House Date? We would love to host you for a visit, but we prefer to meet prospective students one-on-one, so we can give you our undivided attention! 拨打563-333- 3920预约会议,无论是面对面还是通过视频聊天.

Whether you are drawn to working with children or adults, 我们有一个项目,让你掌握丰富他人生活的技能, by improving their ability to communicate. 如果您不确定您想要与哪些客户群体合作, you will gain hands-on experience with both!

我们两年制课程的结构要求学生在达文波特的校园, IA, 第一年. 第二年,学生们几乎可以在任何他们选择的地方完成秋季和春季实习!

我们的毕业生在各种各样的环境中工作,治疗成人和儿童客户,如罗伯特H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago, University of 爱荷华州 Hospitals and Clinics, Sweet Pea's Therapy, Jordon Ross Communications, Color Along Pediatric Therapy, 还有更多.

可以买滚球的正规平台 Advantages

  • Start Clinical Experience Your First Semester
  • Only Private University in 爱荷华州 Offering 研究生 SLP & Free Services to Clients
  • See the Sound/Visual Phonics Incorporated into Your Education
  • Accredited Program with Quality & 有爱心的老师
  • Option to Study Abroad in Cuenca, Ecuador

Darci贝克 and Student with Brain Model


MSLP Student and Adult Patient

我们的MSLP学生与其他医疗保健专业人员合作, 在临床和研究项目中与经验丰富的教师密切合作, and focus on improving lives. 在SAU,您将获得信心和自由,在高需求领域中成长为一名从业者.


Speech-Language Pathology
Master's Degree at SAU


More 信息rmation about the MSLP Program


Courses include diagnostics, 研究方法, early intervention, 吞咽困难, critical thinking, fluency disorders, voice and resonance disorders, clinical reasoning, 和更多的.

You get clinical experience starting your first semester. 我们大部分第一年的校外临床实习都是在儿童客户环境中进行的. 然而,有一个强烈的重点放在成人客户和医疗设置内置到程序. During the second year, 你完成了两个, 10-12周的实习,可以在Quad Cities地区以外的地方完成. 

你将完成一个研究项目并参与服务学习. 近年来,大多数服务学习网站都包括成人客户. 


What makes the SAU program unique?
What are alums of this program doing?
  • Bryan Bustos Camona '17 MSLP在Bettendorf的密西西比湾地区教育中心担任双语SLP, 爱荷华州.
  • 克莱尔·莫托,14届,16届MSLP,正在帮助脑损伤患者有目标的生活. She partnered with two SAU alumnae to launch Empower House. Read this story about the important work they are doing.
  • Mallory Stegmuller '18, '21 MSLP,在Rush儿童儿科治疗服务儿童客户
  • Hayley Levenhagen '21 MSLP,喜欢在爱荷华大学医院和诊所工作
  • Elizaebeth Morales '18, 21 MSLP, is a Bilingual SLP at Ann & 罗伯特·H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago
  • Kailyn Wasielewski, “22 MSLP, 热衷于为Grant Wood AEA的学生提供SLP服务, 说, “我还是不敢正规买球平台有哪些这就是我余生要做的事情!"
What will my degree cost?

在圣. 可以买滚球的正规平台,我们意识到研究生教育是个人的、专业的和经济的承诺. 这就是当你进入MSLP项目时,我们“冻结”学费的原因之一. 一个价格的学费计划确保您的学费在各个学期是一致的, making financial planning easier.

对于在2024年秋季进入MSLP计划的学生队列, the total tuition cost of the two year program is $70,970. It includes tuition, 课程费用, liability insurance, 技术的费用, 入学考试费, and graduation application fees. 您可能会遇到额外的费用,我们在下面概述了这些费用.

While the cost may seem daunting, graduate financial aid, 助教奖学金, 还有奖学金可以让你的学位更便宜.

给我们打电话或者 发送电子邮件 and we'll answer anything else you might want to know.

Additional MSLP Costs

  • All housing and living-related expenses
  • Books and optional course supplies
  • Parking fees (approximately $60 fall & $60 spring, year 1)
  • 医疗保健提供者级CPR认证(约45美元)
  • 临床教育所需的背景调查(约76美元)
  • Immunizations for clinical education
  • Travel and housing during clinical education
  • Graduation regalia (cap & gown - approximately $100)
  • 美国语言听力协会(ASHA)会费(约50美元)
  • National exam registration fee (approximately $120)
Degree Requirements



MSLP 700批判性思维和循证实践,2学分
MSLP 711 Research Methods I, 1 credit
MSLP 720 Foundations of Assessment, 3 credits
MSLP 750 Clinic Experience I, 2 credits
MSLP 751 Professional Issues I, 1 credit
MSLP 780获得性语言和认知障碍,4学分

Winter Intersession

MSLP 755早期干预,3学分或MSLP 825国外多元文化诊所,3学分


MSLP 712 Research Methods II, 2 credits
MSLP 752 Professional Issues II, 1 credit
MSLP 756语言与认知发育障碍,3学分
MSLP 758 Multicultural Assessment and Intervention, 1 credit
MSLP 820 Clinical Experience II, 2 credits
MSLP 790 Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 2 credits
MSLP 850 Dysphagia, 3 credits

Summer (May) Intersession

MSLP 840 Fluency Disorders, 2 credits


Summer (continued)

MSLP 730 Motor Speech Disorders, 3 credits
MSLP 753 Professional Issues III, 1 credit
MSLP 760 Voice and Resonance Disorders, 3 credits
MSLP 835 Clinical Experience III, 1 credit
MSLP 865 研究生 Research Project I, 1 credit


MSLP 870儿童实习或MSLP 880成人实习,10-12周,各8学分
MSLP 866 研究生 Research Project II, 1 credit
MSLP 875 Clinical Reasoning I, online, 1 credit


MSLP 870儿童实习或MSLP 880成人实习,10-12周,各8学分
MSLP 876 Clinical Reasoning II, 1 credit

Read course descriptions for MSLP online


Elisa发怒教授, and Program Director
科里Kroeger, Office Administrator

Brian Foy, Clinical Instructor
Elisa绿色, Clinical Director
Lori贼鸥, Clinical Instructor
杰弗里·诺克斯, Adjunct Instructor
大卫Krupke,临床助理. 教授
布里吉特淡水河谷, Clinical Instructor

Clinical Affiliate Faculty


采取下一步行动,获得语言病理学硕士学位和 适用于今天!

应用 访问 信息


Elisa发怒, 博士学位, Program Director

Master of Speech-Language Pathology
Center for Communication and Social Development
1310 W. 愉快的圣.
Davenport, IA 52804


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